
2009 Sapphire Award


The Education Fund won the prestigious 2009 Sapphire Award along with $100,000 from the Florida Blue Foundation for addressing health disparities in Miami-Dade County. 

Recognized for its Plant A Thousand Gardens Collaborative Nutrition Initiative (now called Food Forests for Schools), The Education Fund was one of two nonprofits selected for the top honor and, at that time, 迈阿密-戴德县唯一的蓝宝石全州奖获得者,该奖项旨在表彰在解决社区内健康差异方面表现出色的非营利组织.

AG亚游集团官方网站的“从种子到餐桌”校园菜园项目于2007年启动,旨在应对儿童肥胖率的惊人增长, diabetes, and other conditions due to poor nutrition literacy and eating habits among at-risk youth in Miami-Dade. Students plant, maintain, and harvest vegetable gardens, during the school year while relating the lessons in the garden to multidisciplinary classroom exercises. Parents take part in planting and attend workshops on preparing healthy meals. 

来自学校食物森林(FFS)参与者(当时的CNI)的积极数据显示,报告午餐吃蔬菜的儿童增加了80%,88%的父母正在准备更健康的食物. FFS has since expanded to 51 Miami-Dade County Public Schools, 其中16个是食物森林,有可食用的景观,种植的农产品用于自助餐厅的饭菜和寄回家给父母.   


The Education Fund awarded the prestigious Sapphire Award in 2009 by Florida Blue Foundation.

“This program is a model of community collaboration, involving key stakeholders—educators, parents, students, chefs, gardeners, community wellness advocates, etc.—in an effort to teach students, and subsequently families, the importance of a nutritious lifestyle,” the committee wrote.   

“With this fabulous confirmation that we are on the right track, 我们离确保每所学校都有一个可食用的花园,每个孩子一生都有更好的健康和饮食习惯又近了一步,” said Linda Lecht, president of The Education Fund.

Since 1985, The Education Fund has raised more than $51 million for Miami-Dade County's public schools. We design, shape, 推行让私营机构参与改善学校和提高公共教育水平的措施. Funding has subsidized more than 4,550 classroom projects through individual grants, provided more than 10,000 refurbished computers to students and parents, and supported teachers and students with numerous other program and initiatives.

Florida Blue Foundation is a separate, philanthropic affiliate of Florida Blue (formerly Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida). Florida Blue Foundation-funded programs are operated by community-based, 佛罗里达州的非营利组织,服务于没有保险和服务不足的个人的医疗保健需求.

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